Open Engineering

The Open Engineering company is a Belgian high-tech SME active in the Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) market. We design, develop, and sell the OOFELIE::Multiphysics software.

OOFELIE::Multiphysics’s features are focused on three major domains where they are used to predict the behavior of:

  • Sensors and actuators, including MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems).
  • Optomechanical systems including MOEMS (Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems).
  • Multidisciplinary systems where interaction exists between a fluid medium and a structure (F.S.I. – Fluid-Structure Interaction).

These activities encompass a broad range of products in the aeronautics, space, defense, automotive, shipbuilding, and consumer electronics markets.



Most of the people working at Open Engineering have an engineering background or hold a Ph.D. They are involved in the development of our engineering software tools.

Our software solutions are written in C++ with some part in CUDA.

We have the willingness to host, at least, one postdoctoral researcher for 6 months. Proven expertise in computer science is mandatory.

We are fully equipped with workstations and software development. An in-house cluster is available to test parallel developments.

Hereafter, some topics of interest to us.
– HPC is an important topic. Contribution to the parallelization of our solutions with a combination of openMP, MPI, and CUDA.
– Meshing algorithms.
– Radar applications (electromagnetic wave propagations).
– Thermal management of electromagnetic motor.
– Topology optimization.
– Model order reduction.

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