940520. Group of Political Elites, Identities and Processes in Twentieth Century-History

Department of History, Theories and Political Geography
Faculty of Political Science and Sociology

The members of the research team are among the most prestigious historians in the study of the Contemporary Spanish History and have participated in many important research projects, for example “The Nation from the origins. Spanish nationalism and society in the XXth Century”, or “The Nation on stage: symbols, commemorations and exhibitions between Spain and Latin America (1890-2010)”. Over the last few years, the research team has taken active part in common research projects and other activities along with other relevant Spanish research teams also working in the field of Contemporary History, with the aim of creating a framework of formal links and broader research networks for the optimization of the results of public-funded research. More specifically, the “‘Network of excellence’ for the study of totalitarian regimes and transitions to democracy in twentieth-century Europe” and the project ‘The democratic construction in Europe: traumatic past, troubled present’ (EUCODE, call CULT-COOP-02-2017), included under Societal Challenge 6 of Horizon 2020. In addition, the members of the group are also highly active members of several fora, academic debates and supervising projects. Among them the journal Historia y Política, one of the most significant periodical publications in Spanish historiography (second quartile in JCR, ‘revista excelente’ according to FECYT) and the Seminar of the Instituto Universitario Ortega, the most important of its kind in Spain.

Those of a university department: computers, printers and the Faculty library, the best in Spain for Political Science and Sociology, and one of the best for History.

The work that the team has displayed the following main historiographical research lines, respond to a multidisciplinary approach between History and Social Sciences and refer to the history of Twentieth Century societies, with a particular focus on the Spanish case. The group has achieved outstanding results in the study of nationalism identities, symbols and imaginaries in the 20th Century. José Álvarez Junco has abounded on the construction of Spanish nationalism in Spanish Identity in the Age of Nations (2011), Moreno Luzón in Izquierdas y nacionalismos en la España contemporánea (2011) and, with Xosé M. Núñez Seixas, in Ser españoles. Imaginarios nacionalistas en el siglo XX (2013) and Metaphors of Spain. Representations of Spanish National Identity in the 20th Century (2016). Another research line is that of the analysis of political process and social movements, with a particular focus on Sociology and Political Social concepts, following the works of Rafael Cruz, among them Protestar en España, 1900-2013 (2015). By last, the study of political violence and intransigent political practices and discourses mainly during the traumatic decade 1930-1939 has its origins in two projects ‘Retóricas de intransigencia y violencia política en la España de entreguerras, 1923-1945’, and ‘Política, violencia y crisis de la democracia. Un análisis multivariable, cuantitativo y cualitativo del caso español en perspectiva comparada (1931-1939)’ directed by Fernando del Rey Reguillo, and the collective volume edited by Fernando del Rey and Manuel Álvarez Tardío The Spanish Second Republic Revisited. From Democratic Hopes to Civil War (1931-1936) (2011).

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