This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement Nยบ 847635.
Department of Earth Physics and Astrophysics
Faculty of Physical Science
The PalMA Research Group was created in 2008. It consists of 13 researchers, including three researchers from other centres, two postdoctoral fellows, five pre-doctoral fellows and one technician. The group develops several complementary but cohesive lines of research: the study of climate variability at different time scales, from glacial cycles of thousands of years, to the decadal and secular scale, and different spatial scales, from global to regional. The tools used for this purpose are the performance and analysis of numerical simulations of different components of the Earth system (atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere, soil) using models of varying complexity, from state-of-the-art complex models to models of intermediate complexity, as well as statistical and dynamic regionalisation techniques. The latter have been used intensively for the evaluation of the wind resource, a line in which several members of the group have created a spin-off in which they develop intense technology transfer activity. The group has published more than 140 papers in journals in the area of climatology, meteorology, glaciology, energy resources, and high impact journals of general scope, with 80% of them being Q1. The group has completed 9 doctoral theses since its origins and more than 10 master thesis. The group has participated continuously in some 25 projects with national and international funding as well as private companies with more than 2M euros in total.
High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster at UCM (Brigit) and access to Ciemat’s HPCs (Xula, Zeta), and DKRZ’s HPC (Hamburg); coordination of Guadarrama Monitoring Network (GuMNet; www.ucm.es/gumnet).
The group addresses questions related to climate variability and change at different temporal and spatial scales: A) Earth System Models of Intermediate Complexity (EMICs) including a cryospheric component are used to investigate the long term evolution (multi-millennial) of ice sheets; B) State of the art Earth System Models with increased realism in representing the land component are used to simulate the last millennia, present day and climate change scenarios; C) Regional Models (WRF) are used to address high resolution questions related to climate change or to renewable energy sources. We offer the possibility to potential candidates to contribute in any of these topics. The group members belong to the Institute of Geosciences (UCM-CSIC) and are part of the Polar Research Platform of the CSIC. Therefore, modeling and observational research in a polar or high-mountain environment is welcome.