931528. Group of International Migrations

Department of Applied Sociology
Faculty of Political Science and Sociology

The Research Group on International Migrations (GEMI) was founded in 2009. Its main goal is to analyse major research questions regarding i) the management of migration flows ii) the participation modes of immigrants in modern societies, especially in the labour market and the education system iii) immigrants’ migration strategies and the way their express their identity as well as iv) the question of xenophobia and its measurement. The research group has a clear interdisciplinary background being composed by sociologists, political scientists, social psychologists, economists and historians. The majority of them belong members belong to the Universidad Universidad Complutense de Madrid while the rest proceeds from other renowned Spanish academic institutions. Most group members are internationally prominent scholars and some of them are members of relevant European international research networks such as the Imiscoe Network of Excellence. Through its Members and their scientific activities, the Research Group has built contacts with several relevant non-academic institutions such as the Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas, the Spanish Observatory on Racism and Xenophobia, CIDOB Foundation and several third sector organisations in Spain as well as think thanks such as the Fieri Institute and the ISMU Institute in Italy, the Centre for European Policy Studies in Belgium and the German Expert Council for Migrations, among others.

The Research Group on International Migrations of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid has the necessary infrastructure to conduct the envisaged research. Office space, computer, recorders for interviews and free access to the library and to software for qualitative analysis (such as Atlas.Ti) is provided.

The interaction between EU citizenship constellations, mobility strategies and state responses.
European integration has determined the overlap of different citizenship regimes – national, supranational and transnational – generating what has been called the European citizenship constellation. This process has prompted a diversification of the rights and duties, and therefore of the inclusion opportunities, to which migrants, depending on their origin and migratory trajectory, are entitled. In connection to this fact, and partly as an unexpected result, a whole new typology of intra-European mobility patterns have emerged. In relation to the opportunities and limitations determined by the specific set of citizenship rights migrants of a certain origin have in the different points of the EU constellation, they may decide to design strategic migratory trajectories or to modify them on the run. On their side, states might either support or counteract such strategies depending on their national interests. The objective is to improve the understanding of this interaction, identifying specific mobility corridors, recognizing recurring state strategies and assessing the economic, social, political impact of new intra-EU mobility patterns in comparative perspective.

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