930175. Group of Functional Linguistics (English-Spanish & other languages) and its Applications

Department of English Studies
Institute of Modern Languages and Translation Institute (ILMYT)

We are a consolidated research group at UCM, awarded the distinction of EXCELLENCY by the Spanish
Research Agency (Agencia Estatal de Investigación, AEI) in December 2018, and we are part of the Research Cluster for the Humanities of the Moncloa International Excellency Campus (http://www.campusmoncloa.es/funcap/). We have international contacts with members of the TEXTLINK COST action in Europe at different universities such as Edinburgh, Utrecht, Postdam, Louvain-la-Neuve, Toulouse, Lisbon, etc..We also have contacts with non-academic companies such as Everis and Fundetel in Spain.

We use the computer facilities provided by the Faculty of Philology at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, with office space for each group member.

Our research is focused on the study of the English Language, in contrast with Spanish and other modern languages from a functional-cognitive perspective. Our theoretical underpinnings are the systemic-functional model and other functional-cognitive theories such as construction grammar and functional-discourse grammar. Our most recent projects focus on the compilation and annotation of bilingual corpora for linguistic, computational and didactic purposes. Our research is applied in the area of corpus-based contrastive and translation studies, natural language processing and language technologies, especially those derived from corpus annotation and for the teaching and learning of English. The linguistic phenomena we have focused so far include the corpus analysis and annotation of Modality, Evidentiality, (meta)Discourse markers and Appraisal features in English and Spanish parallel (translation) and comparable corpora. In the near future we would like to continue along similar lines, both expanding our corpus analysis and annotation work to other languages besides English and Spanish (multilinguality) and focusing on specific issues in the analysis of different types of discourse markers, stance and evaluation markers, as well as in the area of sentiment and opinion analysis and mining. For example, we worked on discourse markers in the European COST action project TEXTLINK and would like to continue and expand our initial work on English and Spanish connectives and other discourse markers in other European languages. Another research line would be the use of of Appraisal analysis and related frameworks for the analysis and annotation of sentiment and opinion both in written and spoken texts.

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