This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement Nยบ 847635.
Department of Philosophy
Faculty of Psychology
We are interested in the field of social cognition. Our research is primarily focused on the cognitive, motivational and emotional mechanisms of various social phenomena, like social influence, persuasion, self and emotional regulation, social perception and evaluation, and also stereotyping and prejudice. Currently, the group consists of several researchers (one professor , three associate professors, four post docks and six PhD students). We collaborate with researchers from Stokholm University, Karolinska Institute in Sweden, Grenada University, UC San Diego, University of Maryland, Tel Aviv University, Radboud University in Nijmegen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan and Tokyo University of Science. Currently, we are working on three international projects on personal control, knowledge resistance and social perception; and several national projects on nationalism, religiosity and inequality among others. We are actively involved in The Open Science movement and introduced good practices in science and psychology in our lab.
Currently, we are working on three international projects on personal control, knowledge resistance and social perception; and several national projects on nationalism, religiosity and inequality among others.vFor example in the project on social inequality we test how individual characteristics and structural conditions may influence peopleÂ’s beliefs, attitudes and behavior, how these socioculturally shaped selves that are relevant in a given situation in turn affect the structural conditions of peopleÂ’s sociocultural contexts. The main objective of the project on Knowledge Resistance is to investigate the nature and causes of knowledge resistance, the tendency not to accept available knowledge. This represents the first concerted effort to provide a unified framework within which to investigate knowledge resistance, going beyond the state of the art on several levels. We also work on the project by JRC European Commission related to social values and political reasoning.