This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement Nยบ 847635.
Bioassays’ main activity is focused on the design and development of molecular In vitro Diagnostic systems for the accurate and specific detection of viruses affecting both human and lifestocks. The current developments address the increasing demand for rapid and sensitive POC diagnostics located at the focus on infectious diseases. For this purpose, we cooperate very closelywith academic reference laboratories in Spain and abroad. On the other hand, BioAssays SL is a biotechnological company that offers a platform for basic and applied research, aimed at the scientific-technical support to research laboratories in both academic and private centres focusing biomedical and biotechnological projects. We carry out several approaches for in vitro tests, protein interactions, double hybrid, applied biotechnology, synthetic biology, protein biochemistry, etc.
Our R&D consists of a 36 m2 laboratory, fully equipped as follows:nA/ Molecular IVD development:nThermocyclers: Master-Cycler Nexus and Master-Cycler Nexus G2 (Eppendorf)nHorizontal electrophoresis systems for nucleic acid separation ( MUPID-ONE, Takara)nSpectrophotometry system (1 NanoDrop 2000, Thermo Scientific)nProgrammable thermoblocks (Thermomixers C, Eppendorf)nVacuum pump for concentration (Speed-vac thermostated LABCONCO E423-098 and MZ-2C NT, Vacuumbrand) )nB.- Biochemistryt: production of recombinant proteins.nVertical electrophoresis systems_MP Tetra 4Gel/Stain Free Fast-Cast with POWER SUPPLY(Bio-Rad)nTrans-Blot Protein Transfer System (Turbo Starter Sys Midi_PVDF, BioRad), and Transfer-white system (VWR)nlaminar flow hood, biosafety BSL1 (CRUMA FL-2) nOrbital Incubator (MULTITRON II, INFORS-HT)nBacterial fermentor (BIOSTAT-A 2 L, Sartorius)nC.- Basic laboratory equipmentnBench MiniSpin Plus centrifuges (Eppendorf)nRefrigerated centrifuge (R-5247R, Eppendorf)n2 Refrigerator 4ºC (Liebherr-Medplus)n2 freezer -20ºC (Balay)n1 Microbiological Incubator FN500 (Nüve) nMiliQ-Advantage A10 water device (Millipore-Merck)n1 Chest -80ºC U410 -86 (New Brunswick Scientific)n2 sets of micropipettes P1000, P200, P20 and P10 (GILSON)n3 sets of micropipettes P1000, P200, P20 and P2 (Ep-pendorf)n1 set of micropipettes P1000, P200, P20 and P2 (VWR)n1 set of micropipettes P1000, P200, P20 and P2 (Lab-net)n2 Pipettes P5000 (Eppendorf)n2 Multichannel pipettes 20uL-200uL (Eppendorf).