This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement Nยบ 847635.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
The group is formed by 8 senior member. Over 151 articles in Q1 according to JCR, with a production of over 5 paper SCI/year and h index = 42. Mean number of authrs 5.4. Manuscripts surpases 400 cites/year in the last 7 years. Main sciencitic area of publication is Agricultural Dairy and Animal Science, but also Agricultural Science, Nutrition and Veterinary Science.
Main area of research is Animal Nutrition and its implications with oxidative strees. This includes health aspects as well al quality characteristics of products from animal origin. Digstive and metabolic proceses of animal and its relationship to pathological processes and animal welfare. The group is active in transfer of knowledge and carry out more than 4 collaborative project with main private companies in Animal and Food Science, both at the national and international scale (Incarlopsa, COPISO, DSM, NOVUS, SETNA, SAT VAllehermosos, COSAD, among many other).
HPLC, Gass chromatography, PCR, color meassurement, oxidative stability, water holding capacity, rheology, clinical analysis, in vivo and post-mortemoxidative stress. Laboratory focused on meat quality characteristics.
Amelioration of oxidative stress in pigs through dietary intervention. Effect of livability, health, welfare and quality of the products. Oxidative stress plays a critical role in piglet survival during the first steps and is responsible for mortality and health problems whch compormise future development. Piglets are bprn with a unsatble oxidative status, but colostrum and milk provide a good source of antioxidant protection. Dietary intervention post weaning is is difficult as piglets are reluctant to eat during the first 48-72 h post weaning. Aim of this project (which is closely link to our current research line) is to provide a well organized administration of antioxidants through a combination od strategies which involve sow nutrition pre and post farrowing, dietary intervention of weaning piglets and management solutions aimed to incrase feed intake post weaning.