930750. Group of Ancient Epigraphic Texts from  the Iberian Peninsula and the Greek Mediterranean (TEAPIMeG)

Department of Classical Philology
Facultad de Filología

The TEAPIMEG Group has been working since 2005 in the edition and study of Greek, Latin and Paleo-Hispanic epigraphic texts from Spain and Portugal and from other areas of the Mediterranean in Antiquity, as well as in the study and edition of other literary and documentary texts up to Renaissance times, thematically related to inscriptions, through different research projects.
The group, interdisciplinary in nature, is integrated by different researchers working in Latin, Greek and Indo-European Linguistics, Ancient History, Ancient Law, and Archeology. It consists of three subgroups:
1) Archivo Epigráfico de Hispania, Director: Isabel Velázquez, Principal Researcher of the Group.
2) Hesperia, devoted to the study of Palaeohispanic languages, Director: Eugenio Luján.
3) Epigraphy of the Greek Mediterranean, Director: Mª Luisa del Barrio.
The three subgroups work together in Research Projects and PID, activities, permanent Seminars, and run the aforementioned Epigraphic Archive of Hispania (redepigraficadigital.org), the center where Hispania Epigraphica is elaborated, and in which various Data Banks have been developed, sharing structure and common hardware for the members of the Group, such as HESPERIA (for Palaeohispanic languages, http://hesperia.ucm.es) and AEHTAM (for late and medieval Latin and Greek inscriptions).


Own workplace: Archivo Epigráfico de Hispania (www.archivoepigraficodehispania.es, Faculty of Geography and History, 3ª), informatic infrastructure, specialised library,

Currently, a new Database, EPIARQ, is being developed in accordance with the new European guidelines, in collaboration with the UPM, aimed at creating a digital network that houses the existing data. In addition, all existing documentation has been digitized for more than 30 years and working on digital image analysis.The new relational data model will cover the entire lifecycle of an epigraph, including data associated with the epigraphic text itself, the context of its discovery, its physical condition, its location and any associated literature or documents published in relation to it.
Naturally, in relation to the databanks, the methods of work are the usual ones of this type of investigation: direct study of the pieces, description, edition, analysis of possible sources, bibliography, etc., as well as presentation of photographic material. However, we do want to point out that the editing of the texts will follow strictly philological criteria, as well as epigraphic, with critical apparatus, comments, interpretation, and, where appropriate, translation.

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