This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement Nยบ 847635.
Department of Microbiology
Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology
Our CyanoTeam currently focuses on: 1. Recombinant expression (in heterotrophic and autotrophic hosts) of bacterial enzymes involved in the microcystin biodegradation. The primary purpose for development of this technology is generation of lower cost/input methods for remediating microcystin-contaminated waters, thus addressing the emphasis on the development of sustainable, biologically inspired alternatives to current industrial processes. This work evaluates various genetic engineering strategies for optimization of gene expression in multiple model cyanobacteria. 2. The adaptation mechanisms (on genetic and physiological level) of invasive and/or toxic cyanobacterial species to temperate climate According to the recently established collaboration between 3 laboratories: UAM in Pozna?, JU in Kraków and Griffith University in Australia, there is an unique opportunity to compare comprehensively the strains of invasive Raphidiopsis strains. Scientific question is how the Australian and Polish strains adapt to local environmental conditions. The aim is to investigate comprehensively the adaptation mechanisms of these species, including genetic, biochemical, physiological and environmental backgrounds. 3. Exploring the interactions between cyanophages and their hosts (harmful cyanobacteria from the Baltic Sea). The aim is to understand how the cyanophages influence the physiology of infected cells with special focus on the photosynthetic activity during phage infection.
International collaboration: Åbo Akademi University (Finland) and University of Novi Sad (Serbia) Bacterial degradation of cyanotoxins Nature Research Centre (Lithuania), University of Gda?sk (Poland) – Exploring the interactions between cyanophages and their hosts Beijing Technology University (China) – Recombinant expression in autotrophic hosts of bacterial enzymes involved in the microcystin biodegradation Griffith University in Australia and Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna? (Poland) – Adaptation mechanisms of invasive and/or toxic cyanobacterial species to temperate climatenInfrastructure: The Faculty occupies a modern intelligent building located in the Third Campus. Many modern experimental and computational methods can be used by researchers in standard and specialized laboratories. The CyanoTeam has unlimited access to the followed instruments: (a) Agilent 1220 Infinity, (b) ESI-LC-MS systems – Bruker Daltonics HCT Ultra Ion Trap MS with an electrospray (ESI) ion source, (d) Bio-Rad PCR Thermocyclers, (e) Bio-Rad equipment for electrophoresis of DNA and proteins, (f) Magnettech MiniScope EPR Spectrometer, (g) DeNovix spectrophotometer for DNA and RNA measurement, (h) Cfx96 Touch Real-Time PCR, (i) Ettan DALTsix, a modular electrophoresis system to perform large format 2D-electrophoresis, and (j) SpectraFluor Plus fluorescent microplate reader. Additionally, other instrumentation is available based on agreement with cooperating laboratories.